中国是世界自行车主要生产、出口基地,全球60%以上的自行车国际贸易量来自中国。浙江作为全国自 行车电动车及零部件的研发、生产、销售大省,拥有完备的自行车、电动车制造体系,产业链优势明显。数 据显示,2022年中国自行车电动自行车企业实现利润超100亿元,同比增长20%以上;两轮电动车年产量达 4000万辆,同比增长14.8%。义乌作为全球最大的小商品集散中心,汇集了世界各地厂家生产的32多万种产 品,被誉为小商品的海洋、购物者的天堂;义乌市场年出口标准货柜50多万个,出口215个国家和地区,也是 目前全球日用消费品流通中心和中国重要的商品出口基地。此外义乌市还拥有完善的物流网络,可以方便地 将自行车新能源电动车与零部件运往全国各地。为此,展会选在义乌召开,将充分利用义乌这一最佳进出口 贸易平台,以世界小商品之都为窗口,辐射海内外,吸引全球专业买家。在为各品牌提供展示窗口的同时, 展会还将为企业搭桥引线,为民族企业走出国门、远销海外提供新的发展机遇。
China is main production and export base for bicycles in the world, and more than 60% of the world's international trade in bicycles comes from China. As a province focusing on the research and development, production and sales of bicycle & new energy electric-cycle and parts, Zhejiang has a complete manufacturing system covering bicycle & new energy electric-cycle, with obvious advantages in the industrial chain. Relevant data show that in 2022, the total profits of China's bicycle & new energy electric-cycle enterprises exceeded more than 10 billion yuan, with an increase of more than 20% year-on-year. In addition, the annual output of two-wheeled electric vehicles reached 40 million, with an increase of 14.8% year-on-year. Yiwu is the world’s largest distribution center for small commodities, bringing together more than 320,000 kinds of products produced by manufacturers from all over the world, known as the sea of small commodities and the paradise for shopping. Furthermore, the annual export volume of Yiwu exceeds 500,000 standard containers, exported to 215 countries and regions around the world. It is not only the current global distribution center for daily consumer goods, but also an important export base for Chinese goods. Meanwhile, Yiwu has formed a more perfect logistics network, which are available to facilitate the logistics of bicycle & new energy electric-cycle and parts to all parts of the country. Yiwu International Bicycle & New Energy Electric-Cycle Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as YBNE) will take place in Yiwu, based on the world capital of small commodities as the window, radiating both at home and abroad, aiming to build a efficient platform for import and export trade, as well as attract the global professional buyers. At the same time, the exhibition is committed to opening a window for the brands to display, building bridges for enterprises, and providing new development opportunities for national enterprises to go out of the country and sell overseas.
•Electric bicycles, electric mopeds, electric motorcycles and parts;
•Bicycles, sports cars, strollers and parts;
•Electric tricycles, four-wheeled vehicles, elderly mobility scooters, express vehicles; •Balance bikes and scooters, cycling equipment, and outdoor sports goods;
•Sharing and leasing, charging and switching, emerging Internet-related technologies, etc
境内 标准展位价格:9800元/9㎡
境外 标准展位价格:3200美元/9㎡